Tags: 2015 OMNeT++ Projects

In this paper, we study the throughput and delay scaling laws for cognitive radio network with static primary users and heterogeneous mobile secondary users coexist in the unit planar region for both without base-station case and with base-station case. The primary network consists of n randomly and uniformly distributed static primary users with higher priority…

Fluid models provide a tractable and useful approach in approximating multiclass processing networks. However, they ignore the inherent stochasticity in arrival and service processes. To address this shortcoming, we develop a robust fluid approach to the control of processing networks. We provide insights into the mathematical structure, modeling power, tractability, and performance of the resulting…

The introduction of cellphones with poor receiver sensitivity, known as dirty devices, to the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) cellular network results in a reduction in cell edge coverage, degraded capacity, and higher drop-call rates. This poor network performance has a negative impact on customer experience and satisfaction, which may result in increased churn for…

Recently, studies on medical and health monitoring systems using wireless communications have been actively conducted. In the field of health monitoring systems, Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is one of the key technologies and its standardization activities have also been extensively carried out. As our previous work, we proposed an optimal QoS control scheme employing…

New and emerging use cases, such as the interconnection of geographically remote data centers, are drawing attention to the need for provisioning end-to-end connectivity services spanning multiple and heterogeneous network domains. This heterogeneity is due not only to the data transmission and switching technology (the so-called data plane) but also to the deployed control plane,…

Shamir’s (n; k) threshold secret sharing is an important component of several cryptographic protocols, such as those for secure multiparty-computation and key management. These protocols typically assume the presence of direct communication links from the dealer to all participants, in which case the dealer can directly pass the shares of the secret to each participant.…

For communities of agents which are not necessarily cooperating, distributed processes of opinion forming are naturally represented by signed graphs, with positive edges representing friendly and cooperative interactions and negative edges the corresponding antagonistic counterpart. Unlike for nonnegative graphs, the outcome of a dynamical system evolving on a signed graph is not obvious and it…

The role of directivity is very important in the operation of an array as it gives a measure of the effectiveness of the array in pointing the radiations in a specific direction. Traditional methods used for the computation of directivity are although effective but may be time consuming. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) do not require…

This paper proposes a new methodology for the evaluation of reliability in radial distribution networks through the identification of new investments in this kind of networks, in order to reduce the repair time and the failure rate, which leads to a reduction of the forced outage rate and, consequently, to an increase of reliability. The…

With increasing core counts ushering in power-constrained 3-D multiprocessor system-on-chips (MPSoCs), optimizing communication power dissipated by the 3-D network-on-chip (NoC) fabric is critical. At the same time, with increased power densities in 3-D ICs, problems of IR drops in the power delivery network (PDN) as well as thermal hot spots on the 3-D die are…