OMNeT++ WLAN PROJECTS is a discrete event network based simulation framework. We implement Omnet++ mainly for network simulation and various applications. We offer OMNET academic projects to develop various network scenarios with simulation model. We develop Omnet++ which composed of INET package to model various protocols. We implement Omnet++ simulation which composed of various simple modules to evaluate atomic behavior model. We mainly utilize Omnet++ for various computer network simulation and Queuing network.
OMNET++ Kernel Library:
We implement Omnet++ with more kernel Library function which ensure efficient simulation environment for expected output. By kernel library we access the following Component which is a user friendly to students to use component are:
- Graphical Interfaces.
- Graphical Network Editor.
- Model Documentation Tool.
- NED Compiler.
- Utilities and Sample Simulations.
- Graphical Tools like Plove and Scalars.
- Command Line Interface.
Metrics of Omnet++:
By OMNET++, we can evaluate routing protocols and network models for M.Tech projects. We implement Omnet++ as network simulation tool for both wired and wireless network communication. We measure parameter such as throughput; end to end delay and packet Delivery ratio are measured by OMNET++ tool based on metrics of Springer reference paper.
We measure throughput as number of bit delivered successfully per second to destination. It referred as amount of work done in network.
End to End Delay:
We compute end to end delay as sum of time spend to deliver packet for each destination and number of packets received by all destination node. It related to loss time and receives time.
Packet Delivery Ratio:
We calculate packet delivery ratio as sum of data packets received by each destination and sum of data packets generated by each source.

Communication Based Simulation:
We implement various types of communication in wireless network to ensure transferring and receiving information by open medium. We support and implemented more than 90+ projects with following types of wireless network under OMNET++ are:
- Satellite Networks.
- Cellular Networks.
- Ad Hoc Networks.
We categorize wireless network 802.11 into following types are
Infrastructure Network – In infrastructure base network have fixed backbone.
Ad Hoc Network – we use Ad hoc Network with group of nodes to connect with each other without any infrastructure.
Wireless LAN Simulation:
Today wireless technology has elaborated as wireless BAN, Wireless LAN and Wireless MAN. Every wireless network inhibit own properties and behavior. We connect wireless body area network with device communication by Bluetooth (or) Zigbee. We communicate wireless LAN by various network devices. We can connect multiple LAN by wireless wide area network. We use 802.11 wireless networks under wireless local area Network.