OMNET++ WIRELESS SENSOR PROJECTS is a commercial software program. We offer WSN OMNET++ M.Tech projects which use C++ or OTCL Programming language. We allow OMNET++ to develop wireless technology like Zigbee for wireless sensor Network Projects. OMNET ensures a simulation framework for WSN simulation. We support students to develop WSN OMNET++ projects with Network description Language and to create topology for wireless sensor network. We develop Castalia simulation framework for wireless sensor network projects.
MAP Based Model and WSN Design:
To design various WSN schemes we implement OMNET++ simulation Environment. WSN based academic projects mainly focused to address location (or) sensor node region. Other simulation model does not provide accurate design. OMNET ++ Developer achieve this goal by designing map based topology and scenario generation and evaluation. We use this approach to trace data visualization and data base powered analysis.
Novel Energy Consumption Model for WSN:
Battery power in wireless sensor nodes is most leading topic in WSN projects. We provide OMNET++ WSN Projects to give novel energy efficient approach to model and compute energy consumption in WSN nodes. It works on the basis of three dependencies are battery charge on battery voltage, Residual energy of WSN Nodes and Power consumed by WSN idle Nodes.
Smart Antenna Module using OMNET++ for WSN Simulation:
We deployed more than 80+ projects with smart antenna module in OMNET++ WSN projects for efficient task management and locate sensor nodes. This module function based on sectored sweeper techniques, to reduce number of idle sensing nodes. Energy consumption and data traffic in Sensor nodes. We use smart antenna to specify task beam and task beam width, direction modified by OMNET++.
Near Earth Wireless Sensor Network Model and Simulation Using OMNET++:
We provide various communication protocols for WSN projects to evaluate simple and idealistic wireless communication. Wireless communication channel model and characters are very important factor to attain a efficient implementation of near earth based WSN. We implement OMNET++ with MED Weisberg model and ITU recommendation model to ensure a realistic simulation model for plain earth WSN system and enhance significant impacts in network performance.
Gravity Algorithm for Multiple Sinks In WSN:
Every WSN nodes have sensing module, small memory and limited power resources. We implement gravity algorithm to control all features in WSN node mainly for power Management. Based on ACM paper, we derive this algorithm which computes Gravity value for each WSN node to form virtual contour, to guide message and to find sink node. We implement multiple sink nodes to reduce huge power consumption in WSN.
Robust Routing Protocol in WSN:
We mainly use routing protocol in WSN. We use efficient routing algorithm to enhance WSN network reliability. We deploy hop based robust Routing protocol in WSN OMNET++ projects to evaluate Routing Quality, network Topology maintenance and avoid Routing Table.