OMNET++ Network Simulator is an object-oriented modular discrete event network simulation framework.
Quick Intro to OMNET++ Network Simulator:
It has a generic architecture, so it can be (and has been) used in various applications
Features of OMNET++:
- It’s simulation kernel.
- A graphical network editors for NED files.
- Tools for plotting data.
- Compiler for the NED topology description languages.
- Utilities (random number seed generation tool, make file creation tool etc).
- Two types of user interfaces for simulation execution:
- A command-line user interface.
- A graphical user interface.

Simulator relating files:
- .msg file for define various message types and add data fields to them.
- .h/.cc is a C++ files contain simple module sources.
- .ned files have NED language topology descriptions. That describe the module structure with parameters, gates etc.
Sample code for OMNET++:
This is the sample code of channels
channel C extends ned.DatarateChannel { datarate = 100Mbps; delay = 100us; ber = 1e-10; } channel DatarateChannel2 extends ned.DatarateChannel { double distance @unit(m); delay = this.distance/200000km*1s; }