OMNET++ AODV CODE – What is AODV?When AODV is Carried out?Sample OMNeT++ AODV CODE?
AODV Refereed as AD Hoc On Demand Distance Vector routing protocol.It is designed to carry Ad Hoc Mobile Network.AODV is a reactive protocol which means they are created only when required.AODV is a relative of the Bellman-Ford distant vector algorithm, but is adapted to work in a mobile environment.Download sample OMNeT++ AODV Code.
Control messages used in AODV:
- Route request.
- Route reply.
- Route error.
- Hello message.
These are the four different control messages used in AODV routing protocol.
Advantages of carrying OMNeT++ AODV CODE:
- Reduces transmission for system wide flooding.
- Reduced congestion.
- Better robustness.
- Reduced processing requirement.
- Provides better scalability.
- Active discussion about internet gateways.

Features of AODV routing protocols:
- It eliminates route table updates for routes that are not used.
- Even more localization for topology changes if distance vector.
- AODV uses network-wide RREQ, unicast RREP along reverse oath to source of the request.
- Route discovery broadcasts.
- ICMP unreachable only after the route discovery attempt.
Sample code for AODV routing protocol:
This is the sample code for AODV routing parameters.
unsigned int rerrRatelimit; unsigned int aodvUDPPort; bool askGratuitousRREP; bool useHelloMessages; simtime_t maxJitter; simtime_t activeRouteTimeout; simtime_t helloInterval; unsigned int netDiameter; unsigned int rreqRetries; unsigned int rreqRatelimit; unsigned int timeoutBuffer; unsigned int ttlStart; unsigned int ttlIncrement; unsigned int ttlThreshold; unsigned int localAddTTL; unsigned int allowedHelloLoss; simtime_t nodeTraversalTime; cPar *jitterPar; cPar *periodicJitter;