OMNET++ OS3  aim is to create a platform that makes evaluating satellite communication protocols as easy as possible.OS3 is an individual extension and an integration within OMNET++ OS³ is also be able to automatically import real satellite tracks and weather data to simulate conditions at a certain point in the past or in the future, and offer powerful visualization.Easy handling, even for non-expert users.


OMNET++ OS3 Features :

  • Platform independent.
  • Two different visualization methods.
  • NORAD SGP4/SDP4 implementations.
  • Configuration of scenario-specific parameters.
  • Web services for realistic and up to date input data like satellite movement, weather and altitude etc.
  • Calculation of various channel characteristics.

Sample code for OS3:

[Config Validate_ISS]
network = Validate
Validate.satellite[*].mobilityType = "SatSGP4Mobility"
**.numOfSats = 1
*.satellite[*].NoradModule.TLEfile = "gps-ops.txt"
**.observer.gps = false
[Config GPS_cn0]
network = GPS
GPS.satellite[*].mobilityType = "SatSGP4FisheyeMobility"
GPS.satellite[*].mobility.refCenterAltitude = 0         # Variable position of observer 
GPS.satellite[*].mobility.refCenterLatitude = 51.4923   # Can be changed with user specific 
GPS.satellite[*].mobility.refCenterLongitude = 7.4121   # Position values
**.numOfSats = 31                                       
*.satellite[*].NoradModule.TLEfile = "gps-ops.txt"      **.observer.gps = true

**.weatherControl.defaultPrecipPerHour = -Precip per hour (unit mm/(m²*h))
ned-path = ../../../inet/src;../../src/os3;.;
tkenv-image-path = ../../images/os3
sim-time-limit = 216h
**.constraintAreaMinX = 0m
**.constraintAreaMaxX = 2160m
**.constraintAreaMinY = 0m
**.constraintAreaMaxY = 1080m
**.constraintAreaMinZ = 0m
**.constraintAreaMaxZ = 0m
**.updateInterval = 20s           
**.ObserverAltitude = 0           # Variable Position
**.ObserverLatitude = 51.4923     # Of Observer
**.ObserverLongitude = 7.4121     # Can be set individually
**.TimerInterval = 20s            
**.userConfig.frequency = 1e9Hz
**.userConfig.min_snr = 0dBHz
**.calculation.rainTableFile = "../../data/TablespecRain.csv" # Provide the name of the Table for the Rain parameters. DO NOT CHANGE!
*.channelcontrol.pMax = 100000W