Recently, densified small cell deployment with overlay coverage through coexisting heterogeneousnetworks has emerged as a viable solution for 5G mobile networks. However, this multi-tier architecture along with stringent latency requirements in 5G brings new challenges in security provisioning due to the potential frequent handovers and authentications in 5G small cells and HetNets. In this article, we review…
Tags: 2015 OMNeT++ Projects
A Survey of Security in Software Defined Networks
The proposition of increased innovation in network applications and reduced cost for network operators has won over the networking world to the vision of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). With the excitement of holistic visibility across the network and the ability to program network devices, developers have rushed to present a range of new SDN-compliant hardware, software and services. However, amidst this frenzy of activity, one key element has only recently entered…
Body Electric: Wireless Power Transfer for Implant Applications
The electrical properties of biological cells, tissues, and organs studied in electrophysiology not only provide information about the normal/abnormal activities of human bodies but also provide a means to directly restore, repair, replace, or recreate physiological functions in humans to improve quality of life. For example, cardiac pacemakers, implanted in millions of patients, deliver electrical pulses into…
A Smart Sensor Network for Sea Water Quality Monitoring
Measurement of chlorophyll concentration is gaining more-and-more importance in evaluating the status of the marine ecosystem. For wide areas monitoring a reliable architecture of wireless sensors networkis required. In this paper, we present a network of smart sensors, based on ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451 suite of standards, for in situ and in continuous space-time monitoring of surface water bodies, in particular for seawater. The system…
Blockage Robust and Efficient Scheduling for Directional mmWave WPANs
With the increase in emerging bandwidth-intensive applications, millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications in 60-GHz band have become a hot topic. There are two unique features that sharply distinguish mmWave wireless personal area networks (WPANs) from other networks using lower carrier frequencies. First, mmWave links use high-gain directional antennas to overcome the high propagation loss. Second, mmWave links are easily blocked by the human body and furniture.…
Ethanol: Software defined networking for 802.11 Wireless Networks
Wireless Networks have become ubiquitous and dense to support the growing demand from mobile users. To improve the performance of these networks, new approaches are required, such as context and service aware control algorithms, which are not possible on today’s closed proprietary WLAN controllers. In this work, we propose Ethanol, a software-defined networking architecture for 802.11 dense WLANs. This paper describes…
Optimal Model for the Controller Placement Problem in Software Defined Networks
In this letter, we propose a mathematical model for the controller placement problem in SoftwareDefined Networks (SDN). More precisely, given a set of switches that must be managed by the controller(s), the model simultaneously determines the optimal number, location, and type of controller(s) as well as the interconnections between all the network elements. The goal of the model is to…
Realization of congestion in software defined networks
Software defined networking[1][9] has brought a rapid change in networking industry by providing programmability and abstraction. it also enables centralization of control in infrastructure. In this paper, we describe the results of our experiment to determine the performance of SDN by simulating Open vSwitch under conditions of congestion. We did experiments on MININET by creating four compute nodes and…
Physical Modeling and Performance Bounds for Device-free Localization Systems
In this letter, an analytically tractable model based on diffraction theory is proposed to describe the perturbations of the electromagnetic propagation of radio signals caused by the presence of a moving object in the two-dimensional (2-D) area near the transmitting/receiving devices. This novel model is instrumental to the evaluation of non-cooperative device-free localization (DFL) systems as it…
Geospatial ontology-based mission assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been a focus for research in recent years. They enable data gathering across a wide range of domains and areas of interest from health service to environment monitoring, security, etc. Sensors are becoming cheaper, and as a result are being deployed in high density, at the same time; users’ requirements…