OMNET++ CODE FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS provide a bridge between the real physical and virtual worlds.Wireless sensor network is commonly defined as, Sensing + CPU + Radio = Thousands of potential applications. Wireless Sensor Networks using omnet++ code allows the ability to observe the previously unobservable at a fine resolution over large spatiotemporal scales. For more interesting research areas in wireless sensor networks, reach our expert panel team.
Sensor nodes anatomy:
- Radio used for transmitting the acquired data to some storage site.
- Sensors for temperature, humidity, light.
- Memory used for the program code and for in-memory buffering.
- Power source wireless network.
- Processor in various modes like idle, sleep and active.
Applications of sensor network:
- Predictive maintenance.
- Enable new knowledge in scientific filed.
- Intelligent buildings
- Smart home applications.
- Improve productivity.
- Healthcare applications.
- Improve food and H2O.
- High confidence transport and assest tracking.
- . Enhanced safety and security.