The paper presents the design and experimentation of a Web server for command, control and monitoring of industrial equipment. The server has the following main components: Atmega2560 microcontroller as a CU and the W5100 network controller. The user is connected to the Web server through the Internet. The equipment is connected to the server ports, analog or…
Offshore low frequency AC transmission with back-to-back modular multilevel converter (MMC)
This paper evaluates the use of a back-to-back modular multilevel converter (B2B-MMC) in offshore low frequency (LF) AC transmission. The scheme is compared to two alternative transmission technologies: DC and 50Hz AC. The MMC topology is further compared to a cycloconverter. A high level design of a ±120kVdc, 250MW B2B-MMC system is described, with the…
Performance evaluation and improvement of TCP/IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4 under Wi-Fi interference
Recent studies have shown that it is possible to implement the Internet Protocol (IP), especially IPv6, in low-power IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless sensor networks (WSN). Blip is an open source experimental implementation of IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) based on TinyOS. In this study, the performance of Blip 2.0’s Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) under IEEE 802.11g…
Battery Aware Video Delivery Techniques Using Rate Adaptation and Base Station Reconfiguration
With mobile video increasingly becoming an important driver of mobile device usage, the battery consumption of mobile devices will be dominated by video delivery and playback . In this paper, we develop battery efficient video download techniques that vary video download rate dynamically, including stopping video download at times, depending on mobile device buffer levels…
SAVE: Energy-aware Virtual Data Center embedding and Traffic Engineering using SDN
Cloud computing is a popular computing paradigm which provides the virtual resource as a form of VM to customers in an on demand manner. Existing provisioning solutions were only limited to provision computing resource (e.g., CPU, RAM and etc.), therefore, it was difficult to provide more advanced cloud services. Virtual Data Center (VDC) embedding, which…
Pinning Control Strategies for Synchronization of Linearly Coupled Neural Networks With Reaction-Diffusion Terms
Two types of coupled neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms are considered in this paper. In the first one, the nodes are coupled through their states. In the second one, the nodes are coupled through the spatial diffusion terms. For the former, utilizing Lyapunov functional method and pinning control technique, we obtain some sufficient conditions to guarantee that network can…
Panel discussions computing technology for autonomous driving
Autonomous driving is becoming more and more multidisciplinary. Not only vehicular technologies but also computing, networking, and data management technologies are involved in autonomous driving. Of particular interest includes the trade-off between in-vehicle computing and cloud computing to support artificial intelligence of autonomous driving. Perception and planning of autonomy requires high-performance computing while battery-driven vehicles must…
Range Enhanced Packet Classification Design on FPGA
The future of fast Internet needs powerful routers to support abundant network functionalities, such as firewall, QoS, and virtual private networks by classifying the packets into different categories based on a set of predefined rules, so-called multi-field packet classification. Traditional packet classification that considers only 5 tuple fields is not sufficient for today’s complicated network requirements. OpenFlow switch was born to…
Flowshadow: a fast path for uninterrupted packet processing in SDN switches
Updating rules in the flow tables of SDN switches are complex and time-consuming. Therefore, we propose a cache-based scheme (named FlowShadow) to improve the packet processing performance and keep continuous operating while updating rules in the flow tables. FlowShadow caches the microflows in the hash table to build a fast path for packet processing. By…
Orthogonal stacked composite M-sequence labels for quick packet routing over optical MPLS network
In this paper, we construct a composite label sets for optical multi-protocol label switching (MPLS)network. Relatively prime lengths maximal-length (M-sequence) codes are taken to compose into spectral-amplitude coding (SAC) labels. These composite M-labels possess good orthogonality and are compatible with packet labels stacking. With correlation subtraction scheme in packet routing node, local node label can…