HF communication is one of the important aspects in military radio communication, even though it has been seen as a difficult and tedious task because of instability of ionosphere layer. To make HFcommunication becomes easier, many digital techniques have been introduced. It is also desirable to have all these techniques implemented in a single radio. This can be achieved…
Tags: OMNeT++ OPenflow
Soft Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Performance Under Imperfect and Non Identical Reporting Channels
Cooperation among cognitive radio users improves the spectrum sensing performance by combining local decisions measured over independent sensing channels, allowing reduction of miss-detection and false alarm probabilities. While most of the works in cooperative spectrum sensing techniques assume perfect channels between the cooperating users, this paper studies the effect of imperfect channels when local users report their sensed…
Towards a practical cognitive communication network for satellite systems
We present progress toward the formulation of a mathematical model for a cognitive communicationnetwork with applications to satellite systems. Our model employs abstract concepts including communicators, communications channels, and demand for capacity. These model elements may be tailored to represent a wide variety of practical communication scenarios. We present a dynamic automated reasoning methodology which uses the model…
Designing multi-level connectivity for IoT-enabled SmartX Boxes
In this paper, we discuss about a futuristic design for multi-level connectivity that plays the pivotal role in enabling IoT services employing the hyper-convergent SmartX Boxes.
IoT service framework based on mega data center and micro data center in PMIPv6 environment for smart devices
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new technology that allows many smart devices to interact with each other after they are connected to the Internet. Smart devices can communicate with each other as well as with other applications to gather useful information/tracking items/provide location which can be used to improve that service or obtain feedback.…
Managing Crowds in Hazards With Dynamic Grouping
Emergency navigation algorithms for evacuees in confined spaces typically treat all evacuees in a homogeneous manner, using a common metric to select the best exit paths. In this paper, we present a quality of service (QoS) driven routing algorithm to cater to the needs of different types of evacuees based on age, mobility, and level…
Concurrent cooperative games for coordinating SON functions in cognitive cellular networks
Multiple Self-Organizing Networks (SON) functions have been deveoped towards the SON promise of automating cellular network operations. Meanwhile, advancing SON towards Cognitive CellularNetworks requires the (SON) Functions (SFs) to autonomously learn the required optimal configurations. Since the SFs adjust the same or related network parameters, conflicts are bound to occur. Mechanisms that are better than current SON coordination approaches must thus be devised to…
Efficient multiple personal wireless hub assignment in next generation healthcare facilities
Low power wireless sensors, personal wireless hub (PWH) and receivers can reduce the workload of the paramedic staff in a hospital. In this paper, we use multiple PWHs to transfer sensor data to the main central controller, which helps the wireless sensor devices. A well designed multiple PWH assignment and power control scheme can reduce…
Virtual resource allocation for wireless virtualization networks using market equilibrium theory
This paper proposes a virtual resource (VR) allocation scheme for OFDMA based wireless virtualization networks (WVNs). The scheme considers the time-variant wireless channel quality from the technical perspective, as well as the network benefits for WVN elements, e.g., subscriber user equipments (SUEs), mobile network operators (MNOs) and wireless service providers (WSPs), from the economic perspective. Regarding the available VR for a…
Performance evaluation and improvement of TCP/IPv6 over IEEE 802.15.4 under Wi-Fi interference
Recent studies have shown that it is possible to implement the Internet Protocol (IP), especially IPv6, in low-power IEEE 802.15.4 based wireless sensor networks (WSN). Blip is an open source experimental implementation of IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) based on TinyOS. In this study, the performance of Blip 2.0’s Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) under IEEE 802.11g…