Recent cluster architectures include dozens of cores per node, with all cores sharing the network resources. To program such architectures, hybrid models mixing MPI+threads, and in particular MPI+OpenMP are gaining popularity. This imposes new requirements on communication libraries, such as the need for MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE level of multi-threading support. Moreover, the high number of cores brings new opportunities…
Tags: OMNeT++ Network
Network Coding applications in molecular communication
Major problems in diffusion based molecular communication are Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), low data rates and limited range of communication. Keeping symbol duration as long as possible leads to avoid ISI may be a solution, but this leads to even further reduced data rates. In order to cope with limited range of communication, using relays is one of the…
DYWAMIT: Asynchronous Wideband Dynamic Spectrum Sensing and Access System
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is a promising solution for enhancing the utilization efficiency of spectrum resources. In DSA, spectrum sensing is crucial and cooperative spectrum sensing has been confirmed as a promising technology that can combat the wireless channel fading problem. Most current works have assumed that the secondary users (SUs) are synchronous with the…
On the performance of decentralized CR MAC protocols under heterogeneous channel sensing conditions
The decentralized Cognitive Radio Medium Access Control (CR MAC) protocols proposed so far are usually evaluated considering homogeneous sensing conditions where all Secondary Users (SUs) share the same view of the channel. By doing so, realistic heterogeneous channel sensing conditions are neglected, which happens due to different spectrum sensing errors and/or different patterns of channel occupation by the…
Do-it-Yourself Digital Agriculture applications with semantically enhanced IoT platform
Internet of Things (IoT) enables various applications (crop growth monitoring and selection, irrigation decision support, etc) in Digital Agriculture domain. Semantic enhancements to IoT platforms address challenges of interoperability, data fusion, integration of heterogeneous IoT silos, annotation of data streams, just to name a few. This paper discusses the recently developed OpenIoT platform which demonstrated its applicability and efficiency…
IoT Data Compression: Sensor-Agnostic Approach
Management of bulk sensor data is one of the challenging problems in the development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. High volume of sensor data induces for optimal implementation of appropriate sensor data compression technique to deal with the problem of energy-efficient transmission, storage space optimization for tiny sensor devices, and cost-effective sensor analytics. The…
Signal Design for Context Aware Distributed Radar Sensing Networks Based on Wavelets
In the field of radar sensing, a paradigm shift is taking place from the traditional radar system to distributed sensing/radar networks. Comparing with the single radar system distributed radar networkshave a superior performance in detection and estimation of parameters of target. They also enhance the imaging and classification performance of sensing systems. As in distributed radar networks several radars…
An energy efficient cognitive radio system with quantized soft sensing and duration analysis
In this paper, an energy efficient cognitive radio system is proposed. The proposed design optimizes the secondary user transmission power and the sensing duration combined with soft-sensing information to minimize the energy per goodbit. Due to the non-convex nature of the problem we prove its pseudo-convexity to guarantee the optimal solution. Furthermore, a quantization scheme, that discretize the…
Game theory for future IEEE 802.11 spectrum sharing
This article describes one of many possible paradigms for future wireless applications. The spectrum in which Wi-Fi operates these days is overcrowded and currently applied rules for Wi-Fi operation are not up-to-date. By adopting a new set of rules for Wi-Fi, it is possible to eliminate some of the currently defined constraints such as Equivalent…
Sensor Selection and Optimal Energy Detection Threshold for Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
In this paper, an energy-efficient scheme is proposed for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitivesensor networks. In our scheme, we introduce a technique to select the sensing nodes and to set energy detection threshold so that energy saving can be accomplished in the nodes. Our objective is to minimize the energy consumed in distributed sensing subject to constraints…