In this paper, the performance of opportunistic relay selection (ORS) in a cognitive radio is analyzed over flat Rayleigh fading channels. Data transmission between source and destination is assumed to be entirely performed via the relays. Relay nodes are assumed to have ability to harvest energy from the source signal and use that harvested energy to forward the…
Tags: OMNeT++ AD Hoc
Spectrum occupancy measurement: An autocorrelation based scanning technique using USRP
This paper presents a technique for scanning and evaluating the radio spectrum use. This technique determines the average occupancy of a channel over a specific duration. The technique was implemented using Software Defined Radio units and GNU Radio software. The survey was conducted in Grand Forks, North Dakota, over a frequency range of 824 MHz to 5.8 GHz. The results of…
Bit error rate of underlay decode-and-forward cognitive networks with best relay selection
This paper provides an analytic performance evaluation of the bit error rate (BER) of underlay decode-and-forward cognitive networks with best relay selection over Rayleigh multipath fading channels. A generalized BER expression valid for arbitrary operational parameters is firstly presented in the form of a single integral, which is then employed for determining the diversity order and coding gain…
A symbiotic resources sharing IoT platform in the smart cities context
Large urban areas are nowadays covered by millions of wireless devices, including not only cellular equipment carried by their inhabitants, but also several ubiquitous and pervasive platforms used to monitor and/or actuate on a variety of phenomena in the city area. Whereas the former are increasingly powerful devices equipped with advanced processors, large memory capacity,…
Image and video transmission in cognitive radio systems under sensing uncertainty
This paper studies the performance of hierarchical-modulation-based image and video transmission incognitive radio systems with imperfect channel sensing results under constraints on both transmit and interference power. Data intended for transmission is first compressed via source coding techniques and then divided into two priority classes, namely high priority (HP) data and low priority (LP) data, by taking…
Automatic digital modulation recognition using minimum feature extraction
Auto modulation recognition schemes of digitally modulated signal plays a vital role in both military and civil applications like software defined radio, electronic warfare, cognitive radio systems, radio spectrum management, threat analysis and electronic surveillance. In this paper we proposed a new algorithm to distinguish between 6 digital modulation schemes (ASK-2, FSK-2, PSK-2, ASK-4, FSK-4, and PSK-4). Simulation results show that…
On the double threshold energy detection-based spectrum sensing over κ-μ fading channel
This paper presents the performance analysis of spectrum sensing systems based on double threshold energy detection over κ-μ fading channels, which represents the small-scale variations of the fading signal under both light-of-sight and multipath scenarios. Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) are obtained regarding the double threshold scheme and comparisons are performed against the traditional single threshold…
An adaptive low-complexity detection method for statistical signal transmission under time-varying channels
Based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, an additional individual data transmission can be established in statistical spectrum domain, which can be adopted for specific applications. However, the performance of existing detection methods for this kind of transmission will be severely restricted when the channel coefficients are dynamic within each observation window. In this…
Implementing Packet Transfer in Wireless Networks Using PyGame
Cloud environment on wireless networks is a combination of cloud and mobile technologies. The goal is to support mobile applications more efficient way to utilize bandwidth, energy consumption, hardware utilization, and cost. Cloud is a virtualization concept (borrowed from the virtual machine environment introduced in 1970’s) in wireless communications to utilize the resources efficiently and provide the…
Hand gesture recognition for automatic tap system
This paper presents a technique for real time human hand gesture recognition system for automatic tap operation. Hand gesture recognition based machines have been widely developed in recent years. Most of the techniques use skin color models due to its robustness and simplicity. In this work there are two major steps for achieving this goal:…