OMNET++ SUMO generates car mobility and road network
Procedure for setting up SUMO:
- Extracting open street map
- Creating road network file
- Generating random tips for road network file
- Convert the trips to routes and traffic flows
- Creating config files
- Creating obstacles
- If the city doesn’t include the building layout, it must be drawn with the java open street map editor (JOSM) tool.
- Referring obstacles in config files
Configuration files used in SUMO:
- .sumo.cfg
- .ned.xml
- .rou.xml
- .edg.xml
- .poly.xml
- .net.xml
Sample code for OMNET++ SUMO:
Module Highway { submodules: channelControl: ChannelControl{ parameters: @display("p=256,128"); } manager: TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd{ parameters: @display("p=512,128");}}