OMNET++ ZIGBEE SIMULATION for set of high-level communications protocols based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. OMNET++ ZIGBEE SIMULATION utilizes low-data-rate wireless personal area network (WPAN) comprising devices of low complexity and long battery life.
Advantages of ZigBee technology:
- No central control point.
- Setting up zigbee wireless home management system is relatively inexpensive.
- Eliminates dependence on infrared devices.
- Ability to manage home appliance network remotely all zigbee compliant appliances compatibly operates in the same network.
- Low cost of the modules and the zigbee protocol is patent fee free.
double Zigbee::calculateReceivedPower(double pSend, double carrierFrequency, const Coord& senderPos, double senderAngle, const Coord& receiverPos, double receiverAngle) const { if (getShape().size() < 2) return pSend; std::multiset<double> intersectAt; bool doesIntersect = false; const Zigbee::Coords& shape = getShape(); Zigbee::Coords::const_iterator i = shape.begin(); Zigbee::Coords::const_iterator j = (shape.rbegin()+1).base(); for (; i != shape.end(); j = i++) { Coord c1 = *i; Coord c2 = *j; double i = segmentsIntersectAt(senderPos, receiverPos, c1, c2); if (i != -1) { doesIntersect = true; intersectAt.insert(i); } } bool senderInside = isPointInZigbee(senderPos, *this); bool receiverInside = isPointInZigbee(receiverPos, *this); if (!doesIntersect && !senderInside && !receiverInside) return pSend; if (senderInside) intersectAt.insert(0); if (receiverInside) intersectAt.insert(1); if ((intersectAt.size() % 2) != 0) { std::vector<CoordFrac> intersectVector; const Zigbee::Coords& shape = getShape(); Zigbee::Coords::const_iterator i = shape.begin(); Zigbee::Coords::const_iterator j = (shape.rbegin()+1).base(); for (; i != shape.end(); j = i++) { Coord c1 = *i; Coord c2 = *j; Coord IntersectPoint; double val = segmentsIntersectAt(senderPos, receiverPos, c1, c2,IntersectPoint); if (val != -1) { bool inside = false; for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < intersectVector.size(); index++) { if (intersectVector[index].first.distance(IntersectPoint) < 0.01) { inside = true; if (intersectVector[index].second < val) { intersectVector[index].first = IntersectPoint; intersectVector[index].second = val; } break; } } if (!inside) intersectVector.push_back(std::make_pair(IntersectPoint,val)); } } intersectAt.clear(); for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < intersectVector.size(); index++) { intersectAt.insert(intersectVector[index].second); } if (senderInside) intersectAt.insert(0); if (receiverInside) intersectAt.insert(1); } ASSERT((intersectAt.size() % 2) == 0); // sum up distances in matter. double fractionInZigbee = 0; for (std::multiset<double>::const_iterator i = intersectAt.begin(); i != intersectAt.end(); ) { double p1 = *(i++); double p2 = *(i++); fractionInZigbee += (p2 - p1); } // calculate attenuation double numWalls = intersectAt.size(); double totalDistance = senderPos.distance(receiverPos); double attenuation = (attenuationPerWall * numWalls) + (attenuationPerMeter * fractionInZigbee * totalDistance); return pSend * pow(10.0, -attenuation/10.0); }