OMNET++ CASTALIA TUTORIAL for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Body Area Networks (BAN) and generally networks of low-power embedded devices.OMNET++ CASTALIA can also be used to evaluate different platform characteristics for specific applications, since it is highly parametric, and can simulate a wide range of platforms.
Features of Castalia:
- Probability of reception based on SINR, packet size, modulation type.
- Complex model for temporal variation of path loss.
- Highly flexible physical process model.
- Fully supports mobility of the nodes.
- Realistic modeling of RSSI and carrier sensing.
- Interference is handled as received signal strength, not as separate feature.
- Model defines a map of path loss, not simply connections between nodes.
Sample code for Castalia:
This is the sample code for setting packet size in communication layer
SN.node[*].Communication.Routing.maxNetFrameSize = 2500 SN.node[*].Communication.MAC.maxMACFrameSize = 2500 SN.node[*].Communication.Radio.maxPhyFrameSize = 2500 Code for application module, SN.node[*].ApplicationName = "ThroughputTest" SN.node[*].Application.packet_rate = 5 SN.node[*].Application.constantDataPayload = 2000 # application's trace info for node 0 (receiving node) # is turned on, to show some interesting patterns SN.node[0].Application.collectTraceInfo = true Code for creating static node, SN.node[0].xCoor = 0 SN.node[0].yCoor = 0 SN.node[1].xCoor = 50 SN.node[1].yCoor = 50 SN.node[2].xCoor = 150 SN.node[2].yCoor = 150