Wireless Communication Projects

Wireless communication projects will build your dream project on your interest. Now, we are living in the technology era with the vast progress in communications. In particular, Wireless communication projects become the favorite field for many final year students. At large, this field has wide-range of areas and topics. Thus, how to bring innovation in your project is the major question mark. To answer this, we lend our handy assist in each stage of your ieee projects on wireless communication.


  • D2D, M2M, MTC communication
  • V2V, V2I, V2P, V2X communication
  • Peer to peer communication
  • Cognitive communication
  • Wireless Network on Chips
  • Cellular communication (LTE, LTE-A, 5G)
  • Optical wireless communication
  • Ultra-wideband communications
  • RF, mmWave, microwave communication
  • Satellite and space communication

In the above list, we have 100+ topics under each area. Large doesn’t mean for low-value as we have multi-screening review panel. In that, our senior team reviews each topic and filter-out more recent topics for you. Don’t be too old in your run, be fresh and best with us.  


  • MU-MIMIO pilot contamination
  • RF-Front end circuit optimization
  • RIF tracking and localization
  • Secure communication over blockchain
  • Internet communication for smart environs
  • Multipath live video streaming
  • VLC and OWC for backhaul network
  • Hybrid beamforming in smart antennas
  • Wearable communication for personalized health
  • Energy and mobility aware mobile communication

We hope that you have opened your views on the project topics. Now, it is the time to find the apt tool. Though several tools support communication projects, we every time seek for your desire. Your desire is more vital than any thing for us. Never give up on your wishes since we are here to realize it.

Wireless Communication Tools with Prime Modules


  • LTE Module (4G, LTE-A, LTE-M)
  • NS-3 Mesh (IEEE 802.11s)
  • OpenFlow Switch Support (SD-Radio)
  • Spectrum Module (Cognitive Radio)
  • Wave Model (DSRC links)
  • 5G-LENA (5G radio)


  • Artery (V2X Simulation)
  • Castalia (BAN Communication)
  • HNOCS (Wireless NoC)
  • SimuLTE (LTE. LTE-A, LTE-M)
  • WiFi Direct (WiFi, WLAN)
  • OpenFlow Extension (SD radio)


  • 5G toolbox (5G simulation)
  • LTE toolbox (LTE, LTE variants)
  • SDR prototype
  • Communication toolbox
  • Antenna toolbox
  • WLAN toolbox

The above list is only for you reference. Besides, we are working on the latest versions of countless tools. In short, we aim, work and again work for your success. With us, you will catch your project victory rapidly. When you can’t see the bright side your project, see that by our lens.