Vanet Projects

Vanet projects revolve around our student’s desires and needs. In this fast-moving era, we also move towards the automated vehicles and smart cars. The behind pillar for these applications is VANET. Thus, Vanet is an exciting research domain for all final year students. To be sure, your Vanet projects will clearly resemble the real-world applications. When you decide vanet as your domain, the next step is to figure out the area. To mold this step easy, we have sorted out notable areas and topics.


  • Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
  • Vehicular Sensor Network
  • Cellular Vanet (LTE, LTE-A, 5G)
  • Connected Vehicles and AI
  • Device to Device Communication
  • Multimedia Streaming in Vanet
  • Content Centric VNDN
  • Software Defined Vehicular Network
  • Blockchain based Secure Vehicles
  • New Communications (mMWave, THz band)

Our excellent staffs keep on working in all above areas to dig up the novelties.  We believe that novelty is the must factor for each project. Thus, we never compromise in novelty as well as quality. In fact, these factors have changed the career of 5000+ pupils from usual to incredible.



  • Wave Models
  • OcbWifiMac
  • SUMO
  • Scope
    • Routing
    • Clustering
    • Channel Modeling
    • Security


  • VNS
  • SimuLTE
  • Veins
  • SUMO
  • Scope
    • Unmanned vehicles
    • LTE-DSRC
    • D2D and V2X
    • 2D and 3D visualization
    • Parallel traffic generation
    • Routing, Clustering
    • Security

NetSim v10

  • VANET Module
  • Matlab Interface
  • SUMO
  • Scope
    • DSRC and LTE
    • V2V and V2X
    • Routing
    • Security

Here we only stated three major tools. Of course, we are ready to work in any stout tool. Our code writers used to craft the source codes distinctly. We find your code within our brain instead of online. Hence, you will receive error and plagiarism free codes. Besides, our projects are flexible and you can update or alter the projects yourself. If you have any errors during update, then you are free to contact us.


  • Verified results
  • Code explanation
  • Endless revisions
  • Apposite metrics
  • Better evaluation

All of our merits will ultimately mature your projects with a huge success. We only focus on your victory regardless your problems. In short, it is not bad to have no idea on the projects. But it is bad when you have taken no step towards us. In simple, when you are near to us then you will gain a lot of view on your work. Stay with us to grow your aspects.