Network is the connection of devices, computers, and etc., There are two types of network they are wired and wireless. Examples of the wireless devices are smartphone, routers, sensor nodes, autonomous vehicles and so on. Network paper publication guidance delivers the insights into present and upcoming trends in wired and wireless network. A high-quality research contribution is an important part of any research paper publishing. Generally, high quality research contributions in networks has been described by follows,

  • Innovative and unpublished simulation results of the paper
  • Novelty of the constructive part in paper
  • Experimental or theoretical work in all areas of networks

What is a network?

            Networks that are not connected using any cables or wires are called wireless networks, whereas connected using wires are called wired networks. Variety of network topologies can form the following methods,

  • Optical methods
  • Wireless radio frequency methods
  • Physically wired methods

Above we have specified the basic facts about network. As a result, it brings novel dimension of current research to precede the scholars future research in network. Thus, we are able to give novel ideas in network papers. This field contains the countless research topics in the following areas.

Research Areas in Network

  • Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling
  • Techniques and discrete aspects in the context of the
  • Communications
  • Computer networking
  • Mobile and wireless computing
  • Network Security and Privacy
  • Mobile Code and Agent Security
  • Viruses and Malicious Code
  • Data Integrity and Information Flow
  • Anonymity, Smartcards and Security Protocols
  • Intrusion Detection and Authentication
  • Communication Network Architectures
  • Network Technologies
  • Optical
  • Sensor
  • Mobile
  • Wired and Wireless
  • Cellular
  • Network Operation and Management
  • Network (Performance and Measurements & Modelling and Assistance)
  • Resource / Power Management and Control Algorithms
  • Network (Planning, Reliability, Dimensioning, Pricing)
  • Network Software system and Signaling Protocols
  • Network Service and Applications
  • Multimedia Services and Adaptive Applications
  • Web (Catching, Performance)
  • Middleware and Operating Systems in Networking
  • Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
  • Communication Network Protocols
  • Contributions in all OSI layers are
  • Testing and Verification
  • Multicasting and Scheduling
  • Error and Medium Access Control
  • Resource Discovery and Routing

As above mentioned, we have discussed a lot about the research areas and the topics based on the network. We provide the reputed and high range of quality in the paper publication that leads to the knowledge exchange among the research professionals. Now, let us take a look on paper publication guidance. In general, we pay attention for the following,

How the impact of a paper publishing is evaluated?

  • Choice of subject / research area / topics
  • Research problem validation on this field
  • Hypothesis formulation
  • Design of experiments
  • Plagiarism in writing

These are the significant factors in the paper publishing. We create the strong evident in the preliminary stage of the paper and it creates the assurance for the smooth pathway of your publishing process. Now for an instance, we discuss about some factors in detail as a reference for you because they play a vital role in research papers writing in network.

Paper Writing and Publication Guidelines in Network

  • QoS Parameters in Network
  • Network Elements
  • Network Representation
  • Network Topologies
  • Network Simulation
  • Channel Models
  • Communication Standards
  • Network Protocol

For any research topic in network, we must know the above mentioned features which are acceptance criteria. S

What are the Editors looking for?

  • We state the novel findings
  • We provide the clear problem statements
  • Information in the manuscript delivers the clear idea about the paper
  • We offer the up-to-date reference list in the paper
  • We provide the reliable research in the paper writing

How to respond the Reviewers Comments?

  • As the first process we address all the comments given by reviewers
  • We revise the whole paper and submit the response to the journal
  • We provide the suitable response for early acceptance from journals

Is Plagiarism Matters?

            Yes, it matters in paper publishing. Plagiarism is the initial step to validate the research paper. Thus, we provide the more importance in this part. Generally, we provide the plagiarism free papers. The significances of plagiarism vary due to the ethics of journal.

How we Avoid Plagiarism?

Keep Track of the Sources

  • We record the source of information when we are taking notes for the research paper.
  • We remember that where the idea came from and then present that in the paper.

To this end, you may get some knowledge about network paper publication guidance. Since, we are unique in providing the plagiarism free content. We offer various opportunities for publication which means, our experienced professors evaluate the paper. By the evaluation process, we verify whether it meets the level of the reputed journals. Then, we provide our assistance to achieve the publishing level of the highly reputed journals.