An intragastric balloon robot is a less invasive and effective method for morbid obesity treatment. Traditional balloon robots need insertion tools and endoscopes for placement and removal of balloons in the stomach, which may cause complications such as nausea and sickness. This paper proposes a novel capsule robot for obesity treatment with wireless powering and communication.…
CA-SVM: Communication-Avoiding Support Vector Machines on Distributed Systems
We consider the problem of how to design and implement communication-efficient versions of parallel support vector machines, a widely used classifier in statistical machine learning, for distributed memory clusters and supercomputers. The main computational bottleneck is the training phase, in which a statistical model is built from an input data set. Prior to our study, the…
Synchrony in neuronal communication: An energy efficient scheme
We are interested in understanding the neural correlates of attentional processes using first principles. Here we apply a recently developed first principles approach that uses transmitted information in bits per joule to quantify the energy efficiency of information transmission for an inter-spike-interval (ISI) code that can be modulated by means of the synchrony in the…
Evaluation of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication with Delay Tolerant Networks for Safety Surveillance System
Recently, the rapid technological growth of automobiles expects us to the various usages for the near future, and V2V communication is also a part of novel technologies to realize novel usages as well as ITS. This paper proposes the V2V communication with Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) for safety surveillance system in the local area during the winter season. In…
Distributed traffic simulation using DDS-communication based HLA for V2X
For implementing Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), Vehicle-to-X (V2X)communication functions are important. For efficient V2X simulation, integrating heterogeneous simulators and sophisticated inter-simulator network control are required. In this paper, we suggest Data Distribution Service (DDS) communication-based High Level Architecture (HLA) for distributed V2X simulation by replacing HLA network transport into DDS-based communication. For replacing, we design HLA-DDS wrapper…