Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) is very promising technology this days. It offers fault tolerant capabilities and ensures high efficiency with low output voltage harmonic content which results in need for smaller filter size. A disadvantage of the system is that the control becomes more cumbersome due to the high number of the employed submodules. A…
Closed form expression of outage probability in DCSK cooperative communication systems over Nakagami-m fading channels
In this paper, two user Cooperation systems based on differential chaos shift keying (DCSK) with orthogonal sub-channel in the broadcast phase and cooperative phase using Walsh code sequence is proposed. Single relay of decode and forward (DF) type is investigated according to the conventional cooperation protocol. Outage probability is derived and verified by simulation. Independent…
Ergodic Capacity of SIM-Based DF Relayed Optical Wireless Communication Systems
In this letter, we consider a dual-hop, subcarrier intensity modulation-based relayed optical wirelesscommunication system under the combined influence of atmospheric turbulence and pointing error impairments. The turbulence-induced fading is modeled by independent but not necessarily identically distributed Gamma-Gamma fading statistics with misalignment fading. The relaying protocol followed by the relay is decode and forward. We first,…
UAV-WSN communication algorithm with increased energy autonomy
Nowadays an extensive attention is given to UAVs and their applications. One applications category can be underserved by hybrid systems composed from UAV and ground WSN. UAV can gather data from ground WSN which, at its turn could be initially deployed by the UAV itself. Ground nodes are limited in battery life, therefore, an efficient communication algorithm…
SBVLC: Secure Barcode-based Visible Light Communication for Smartphones
2D barcodes have enjoyed a significant penetration rate in mobile applications. This is largely due to the extremely low barrier to adoption – almost every camera-enabled smartphone can scan 2D barcodes. As an alternative to NFC technology, 2D barcodes have been increasingly used for security-sensitive mobile applications including mobile payments and personal identification. However, the…
Parallel execution of AUTOSAR legacy applications on multicore ECUs with timed implicit communication
Parallelization of AUTOSAR legacy applications is a fundamental step to exploit the performance of multi-core ECUs (MCEs). However, the migration of an application from a single-core ECU (SCE) to a MCE presents two challenges: first, the extraction of parallelism from an application (composed of tasks) is not always possible due to communication among tasks. Second, reproducing the…
Rain fade mitigation using linear prediction technique in wireless communication
Proposed work shows the rain fade mitigation technique in wireless communication using linear prediction. Two year signal data from IPSTAR satellite at 20.2 GHz is used in this work. Proposed work can be used on different frequencies by using frequency scaling. Experimental signal is used to analyze original variations of the atmosphere. Delhi earth station data provided…
Electric field of grounded horizontal line transmitter for through-the-earth communication
An electrode-based through-the-earth (TTE) communication system sends its signal directly through the earth overburden of a mine by driving an AC current into the earth. The resultant current density is detected and communication is established. Given the noise level and the attenuation characteristics of the earth, the receiver sensitivity and transmitter power required for communication can be estimated. In an effort…
Exact Capacity of Amplify-and-Forward Relayed Optical Wireless Communication SystemsExact Capacity of Amplify-and-Forward Relayed Optical Wireless Communication Systems
In this letter, we model a dual-hop subcarrier intensity modulated amplify-and-forward (AF) relayed optical wireless communication system with the assumption that direct communication between source and destination is not feasible. The optical channels are considered to be impaired with path loss, misalignment errors, and atmospheric turbulence, and are modeled assuming independent but not necessarily identically distributed Gamma-Gamma fading statistics.…
Bond graph model-based for fault tolerance level assessment of a wireless communication link in a system of systems concept
The main focus of this paper is on graphical modeling of wireless link of a System of Systems (SoS) for the purpose of Fault Tolerance Level Assessment. Having used hypergraphs previously for modeling the structural organization of SoS, it’s now important to introduce another graphical tool for modeling the wireless communication channel (WCL) between component systems of…