BIG DATA PROJECTS propound you an extensive assortment of big data based projects, whatever resolve lend a hand you to develop your intellectual profession as well as interpretation. You be able to get nearer to us by means of any perception along with proposal, we wish afford you preeminent and useful projects at the same time as per you must.


  • The Feature Selection process based on Annealing for Computer Vision and also Big Data Learning.
  • A Pipeline Framework process also for Heterogeneous Execution Environment performance of Big Data Processing.
  • The new secure mechanism Multilayered database intrusion detection system process also for detecting malicious behaviors performance in big data transaction.   (BIG-DATA-PROJECTS)
  • A novel approach on Conceptual Predictive Modeling performance in a Competitive Framework also by using Big Data Technology.
  • The Performance Analysis process of Big Data Gathering performance in Wireless Sensor Network also by using an EM Based Clustering Scheme.
  • A Dynamical and Load-Balanced Flow Scheduling Approach used for the Big Data Centers process also in Clouds.
  • The performance on data processing and data preventing technologies process in the environment of big data performance also in power system.
  • An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Similarity Evaluation performance for Big Data Analytics process.
  • The Assistant analyzer performance for the characteristics of electricity behavior process by also using big data technology.
  • A novel technology for the Comparison process of Relational Database based on the Document-Oriented Database performance for Big Data Applications.   (BIG-DATA-PROJECTS)
  • The Remote sensing big data utilization performance for paddy growth stages detection process.
  • An Enabling Big Data Analytics process in the Hybrid Cloud by using Iterative MapReduce mechanism.
  • The Combined Approach used to Reliability of Great Software Complexes process also for Distributed Computing based on the Big Data performance in Contemporary Physical Experiments.
  • The usage of Big Data Analytics performance for the Authorship Authentication process of Arabic Tweets.
  • An Integrated Transport Solution used to perform the Big Data Movement process in High-Performance Networks.